More competitors for Eurostar: Virgin and Heuro
Train companies seem to be lining up to break Eurostar’s monopoly on passenger train services through the Channel Tunnel. After reporting on interest from the Spanish company Evolyn, we now learn that Richard Branson’s Virgin may have a go, although we don’t know if it will mean any change for the abandoned international stations of Ashford and Ebbsfleet. Read about Virgin’s reported cross-channel hopes here.
A few days later the newly formed Dutch railway company Heuro announced their interest in competing with Eurostar on the London-Amsterdam route, possibly extending it as far as the northern town of Groningen. Read the report in the railway magazine RailTech.
These are interesting times to be an observer in the rail industry. RailTech postulates that the cross-channel train provision could look very different in a few years’ time.
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